
...how people are "unemployed".

I just thought you would like to know why I think people are "Unemployed".

The number one issue for Americans today is the unemployment rate and the economy. Being the person I am, I always look at popular issues and try to analyze it to death in order to find possible solutions. Not many people listen to me when I find the solutions, but hey, it is kind of a hobby.

The time came about this last December that I realized that there was no room for growth at my current employer and I had another daughter on the way. I had to make a tough decision. I really liked working for this employer, not because the employer was awesome, but because I really enjoyed my job. The job only paid $9.00 an hour. $360 a week before taxes cannot provide for a family of 3, let alone 4.

I found a part time evening job selling advance concert tickets on the phone. This is a terrible job that I don't wish on anyone. But, they paid $11.00 an hour plus bonuses. The funny thing I started to notice while working there was that they hired EVERYONE that came forward and showed the effort to want to make money. I began to think, wow, how are people unemployed when jobs like this exist? I don't like to work here, but it pays the bills and provides time in the morning to begin my restructuring and find a better job. I worked at this job for almost 7 months. Keeping bills paid and developing a winning resume and networking with people in order to find a new employer.

I watched a ton of people come through those doors and apply for work. People come to job interviews in sweat pants, open toed sandles, no shave, no shower, hair un-combed, t-shirts with holes, and teeth that are un-brushed. I was really dismayed with my fellow man. How could they seriously be looking for work dressed like this? Wearing hats to an interview? Are we really without common sense? Do we really have no one looking out for us?

I talked about these findings with some friends that I bowl on league with. They assured me the answer was that these individuals didn't want a job that they just wanted to show the state that they were "trying" to get a job so that they could remain on unemployment assistance pay. I took this as a possible, because logically it made sense. Why else would someone be so stupid to show up to interviews like that, it couldn't just be that they are stupid.

So, I took back to work the next day and saw 3 more interviews come in. All 3 were some combination of the above descriptions. So, one of the interviews left at the same time I was scheduled to take a 5 minute break and I decided to get investigative. I asked the young man, "Excuse me, I can't help but notice you don't look to happy about your recent interview." He replied, "Yea, I don't think it went to well." I asked, "Do you think that may be due to your attire?" He replied, "I didn't think of that!" I said, "Come on, really, do you think that showing up for an interview dressed as you are is a really good idea? Did anyone ever explain to you that making a good impression visually and verbally is the very most important aspect of an interview?" He replied, "No." That he had no formal education past school and had only worked minimum wage and part time jobs in the past. I quickly gave him a run down on how to increase his odds at finding a good job and went back to work.

I realized that it may be partly folks trying to take advantage of the system, but I really do believe that part of it is lack of education and common sense.

Finally, I had finished my resume and made a decent cover letter. I started responding to every advertisement and local staffing service I could. I was averaging 10-15 resumes per day. This takes a little time, having to tweak your cover letter (CV) and resume to match each job offer. I was impressed with the number of job offers I was finding. In 10 days I had put out over 100 resumes and received back 15 emails from false advertisers trying to scam information out of you or getting you to fill out paid surveys. I received back 5 emails from companies who verified receiving the resume and 2 of those mentioned a phone number to call and set up an interview time.

I called and set up two interviews. The first interview was a job offer listed as customer service at $400 per week guaranteed. I showed up to the interview and it was a Kirby Vaccuum sales job under the cover of some McMahan Distribution Company. Horrible. I really let the poor lady have it for wasting my time. Had I wanted a sales job of that capacity I would have been searching for sales advertisements. I don't think she cared, she was trying to trick people into working for her, if that says anything about how they treat their employees.

Then my second interview was scheduled for the next day. I went to the interview as scheduled (15 minutes prior). There was a short application to fill out, which I did, even though I had an extensive resume on file. Then met with the interviewer and had a great interview. I was told they would contact me tomorrow or on Monday the latest one way or the other to discuss the job. I was contacted the very next day and they started me the next Monday.

I do not have a college education, I do how ever have a background that includes the Marine Corps. If I found a job in 10 days, how can these people be without work? Are they willing to work? Is this survival of the fittest? So, now I am starting to believe that it is closer to half the problem that people are the reason to blame for being unemployed. I know I am going to get blistered for that statement, so if you are one of those individuals that are out 2 hours a day putting applications out and doing interviews and wearing khakis and polos and ties and slacks then kudos to you. But for the rest of you, get your act together and you might be pleasantly surprised.

Now, I have been at my new job for 1 month now. I had a customer who came in and said he just moved here from New York. He is my father's age. He said he has a degree in business/marketing and that he worked a factory type job for 30 years. Then he worked as a limo driver in NYC for 20+ years after that. He is looking for work in the area. Specifically, the company he stores with, us. So, I gave him the fax number to fax his resume and cover letter in.

He came back the next day, hinting at the same thing, and I said, "Did you fax your resume in?" He replied, "No. I don't have a fax machine, I guess I will have to go to FedEx." I nodded. He continued, "Do I really need to fax a resume? Can't I just call?" I said, "No. They only accept resume's by fax and then they will call you for an interview." In my mind I am thinking that this guy doesn't get it. All he has to do is put in his resume. He will probably get an interview given his spoken experience. He is clean cut and well dressed so the interview will probably go well, he may even get the job. But, here he is sabotaging his chances by giving reasons as to not do things the way they need to be done.

I was raised to work to provide the things I needed. If I need more, work more. To me there is no such thing as unemployment, because there is a job somewhere for me. You just have to stop feeling sorry for yourself, and get up, and go find it! The job is not going to find you, you can pray for a job all you want, but you won't find it if you don't look for it!

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